Stateless FLR

If you are not recognised as a citizen of any country and unable to live in any other country, you may be eligible to apply to remain in the UK as a stateless person.

You can apply any time whilst you are in the UK as a stateless person, and if your application is successful, you will be granted a period of leave to remain for 5 years.

You must be in the UK to apply.

You must be able to prove that you are officially stateless. You must also be able to prove that you have tried to get the nationality of any country that you may have a right to live in, and that you have been unable to get admission into that country. If you are a child, you must also be able to demonstrate that an attempt was made to register your birth with the relevant authorities, but that it was refused.

At KTS Legal, we will assist you with your application to remain in the UK as a stateless person, including drafting and submitting a comprehensive application that satisfies all the immigration rules for this route.